Dining options at Aquatica Orlando Dining options at Aquatica Orlando
Allergen Information
To best serve you and assure a safe and enjoyable dining experience, we ask that you please read and understand ALL of the important information below.

Trained And Educated Staff
Our staff has been educated and trained in allergen management to ensure your safety.

Offering Of Specialty Items

Our Park offers several allergen friendly prepackaged items for your special dietary needs. For a list of these items and their locations, please ask to speak to a supervisor at our main meal facilities.

Allergen Information Cards
Located at our guest services and main meal facilities will also be Allergen Information Cards. These cards will contain similar information to what is provided through the website including tips for a safe trip, information on a suggested meal facility  for your special dietary needs, as well as a chef card for you to fill out. Please pick one of these cards up when you arrive so you can receive all the information you will need to have a safe and enjoyable stay with us.

What To Do
Upon arriving at a meal facility, please go straight to the cashier and ask to speak with a supervisor in order to discuss the severity of your allergens and determine a meal that will be safe for you.

Cross Contact

Not all of our meal facilities are free from cross contact. In order to ensure your meal is safe, please discuss the preparation process for your meal with the supervisor as you place your order to ensure no cross-contact takes place.

Tips For A Safe Trip
Follow these tips to allow us to best serve you and ensure a safe and great dining experience with us!
  • Always ask for a supervisor upon arriving at a meal facility
  • Visit meal facilities during non-peak hours or ahead of meal time so that you can be efficiently assisted and served
  • Always ask about cross-contact potential  

Designated Dining Facility
Aquatica, SeaWorld's Waterpark™ Orlando's Designated Allergen Friendly Location is Waterstone Grill. Although all of our meal facilities are prepared to assist you with your allergen needs, Waterstone Grill has been designated as the most fit restaurant to serve your special meal. With the largest variety of menu options, Waterstone Grill is the best location to offer you a safe option for your dietary needs!

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